This page is a work in progress. Most of my work is under my Github Repositories

Internship at Coil

What I worked on during my internship


Smaller projects to expand my skillset

WeThinkCode_ Curriculum

A sample of the various projects I completed at WeThinkCode_


  • Matcha - πŸ’‘ Dating site using JS, React, SQL databases and web micro-frameworks
  • Camagru - πŸ“· An instagram clone built using PHP (and my first time touching webdev). It’s a beautifully awful mess but got me interested in webdev in the first place!


  • libft - Recreation of the C standard library.
  • filler - Creating a turn-based AI that competes with another for control of a game board. Won πŸ₯ˆ in an internal competition against 100 other bots.
  • push_swap - Using the most efficient algorithm to sort a stack with a limited number of instructions.
  • lem-in - Pathfinding algorithm. Route ants in an ant colony using the shortest path.


  • Timer Class - ⏱ Small little timer to practice SVG animation


To get a handle on AWS, I’m self hosting a few things. Highly recommend looking over on Awesome-Selfhosted for project ideas

  • an instance of Foundry - A virtual tabletop for playing D&D together
  • an instance of miniflux - minimilist RSS reader